Incidentally, this also grants the player infinite ammo for all guns. If the player has GuNNER, Cigarettes, and Holey Grail, they can get infinite coolness by using Cigarettes while holding GuNNER and picking up the skull after each use.If the player has Cigarettes and Crisis Stone, they can get infinite coolness by using Cigarettes during Crisis Stone's invulnerability periods.

Spicy D-Boys - Strafe Gun and Sunglasses (+2).Pretty Good - SAA and Box, Ration, Nanomachines, Hip Holster, or Fortune's Favor (+2).Kung Fu Hippie, Rappin' Surfer - Rad Gun and Sunglasses (+1.33).Synergies that increase coolness include: Sixth Chamber (+2 for each point of curse).The chance for Vorpal Gun to fire its critical shot increases with coolness.The effect of negative drop chance is unknown.When a reward is dropped after clearing a room it goes back to (1+-)%. The chance starts off at (1+-)%, and for every room cleared without getting a reward, it increases by a fixed amount (approximately 9% in a normal single-player run), up to a maximum of 85% on floor 1, or 80% on any other floor.Coolness increases the base chance of receiving a chest or reward upon clearing a room.The chance for a chest to have a fuse decreases by 2.5% per point in coolness, to a maximum reduction of 10%.Coolness reduces the cooldown of active items by 5% per point up to a maximum reduction of 50%.